Wednesday, October 20, 2010

15 Week Ultrasound

Yesterday we had a regular check up with the OB and had another ultrasound to track little one's growth.  All was fine, measuring right on target :)  His heart rate was perfect - 156 beats per minute as it should be. Taylor could not go, so I told the sonographer to put the sex of the baby in an envelope and SEAL it and we would look at it together when Taylor got home from work.  Well, after 3 hours of torture he came home and we opened it to the words "BOY!!!!"  She said she was 98% sure.  We are so excited about having a little boy.   I will post some new ultrasound pictures.  He has doubled in size since last time.  He was 2 inches at the first ultrasound and now he is 4 inches.  He can suck his thumb and at some point we thought he was doing this during the exam but we couldn't get it in a picture.  Next ultrasound is the "anatomy" ultrasound were they really check everything out.  It will be done at the high risk OB so keep your fingers crossed from some 4D pictures.  I will be 4 months on Sunday - time has flown by!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

First Ultrasound

Monday we had our first ultrasound.  Everything checked out perfect.  I was actually 12 weeks and 1 day, but he/she was measuring 12 weeks and 6 days.  The sonographer said he was really long and had long feet (they are 1 cm long).  This shouldn't be alarming seeing how daddy is 6 foot 5 inches tall!!!  We go back in 3 weeks for another ultrasound to measure his/her growth because I am on medication to suppress my thyroid and they want to make sure it is not suppressing the baby's also.  Because I am being followed by a high risk OB, they did a 4D ultrasound!  These pictures are so cool.  And WHO says this is not at life at 12 weeks?!?  He/She is fully developed; just needs time to grow now.