Thursday, March 31, 2011

Induction Date!

I went to the doctor today. Had another NST which Tanner finally passed.  Such a good boy!!!  The high risk guy had mentioned moving the induction date up and today my regular OB confirmed that the induction date will be Sunday not Tuesday.  I will go in to the hospital Sunday night and then the real induction will start Monday morning so Tanner will be here sometime on Monday.  YEAH!!!  I guess the next post will be with pictures of little man.  I am soooooooo excited :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Almost 38 weeks!!!

Yesterday I went to both OBGYN offices.  First was my regular OB.  They didn't really do much because they new I was going to the high risk guy right after.  Then I went to the high risk doc.  They did an ultrasound to measure his growth.  He is now measuring in the 39th percentile, which is fine.  He is about 1 week behind normal, but nothing alarming.  They are estimating a weight of 6 pounds 10 ounces.  Probably going to be a little over 7 at delivery.  YEAH!!!  My mammoth of a child has ended up being normal size.  I will thank him for that when he comes out :)  They have completely stopped my thyroid medication.  Hopefully it will be out of both of our systems and he won't have thyroid issues after birth and I won't pass on any more of the medication through my breast milk.  I will go back to the endocrinologist 2 weeks after delivery and see how my thyroid levels are.  Hopefully they will go back to pre-pregnancy levels and I won't need any medication.  They still really want to take my thyroid out, but I am not planning on doing that until later in the year.

 I all the sudden can breath today --- Mr Tanner has dropped for sure.  Maybe just maybe he will make his presence known soon????  Here are some new pics.  They said he was getting too big to fit on the screen and he is smushed so the cloudy stuff around his face is uterine wall and they just can't get a good picture anymore.  Oh well, soon we will have a REAL picture of Tanner....


This is his little wrist folded up near his face

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby Shower #2

Sunday I had a shower at my church.  As you can tell everyone was very generous in their giving ;)  Tanner will be one happy (and well dressed) baby.  I am 36 weeks and counting.  All is going well.  Still contracting off and on.  Enjoy the pictures.  I go to the doctor on Thursday and will post an update.

TONS of stuff!

The grandmothers :)

Aunt Dana, Me, Gram, and Aunt Brooke

The whole family including Great Granny

Great Grandma Brown

Three Generations


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Almost 35 Weeks

Today I spent the day at doctors' offices.  First I went to see the high risk OB and had an ultrasound.  As you remember last time Tanner was measuring 10 days ahead and weighed 4 pounds and 2 ounces.  I have since gone on a strict diet to try and keep my blood sugars down and keep him from growing too big.  Well, it worked.  He is now measuring exactly right (to the day) and weighs 5 pounds 6 ounces.  This is exactly where he should be!  His foot is rather large (see below).  It is almost 3 inches long.  He was "practice breathing" during the ultrasound.  It was so cute to see him breathing.  This is a great sign for the development of his lungs.  His head was SO low in my pelvis that it was nearly impossible to get a full picture of his face.  His poor little nose was smashed up against the uterine wall - poor little man.  That is why these pictures are not the best. 

I will have another ultrasound in 3 weeks and as long as he is growing as expected I will be induced on April 6th.  I cannot believe I am scheduled for an induction  - - - it is so real now.   I will be going to the doctor weekly now.  They will be doing a NST (non stress test) every time to make sure Tanner is developmentally sound.  And again, as long as all goes well we will have a baby on April 6th.  With him being so low already I won't be surprised if he decides to come on his own before then.  I want  him to stay in for 2 more weeks, then he can come whenever :)  After about 36 weeks his lungs are pretty well developed.  Obviously 38 + is better though. 

After that appointment I went to my regular OB and all checked out fine.  He was measuring a little behind according to her, but again we will recheck in 3 weeks.  I actually got to see my real doctor this time.  That is why she went ahead and scheduled my induction date so I for sure would be on her schedule.  I hope she is the one to deliver me, if I go on my own it could be any doctor in the group.  All of them are great, but I really like me doc of course. 
Enjoy the pics and I will report again next week!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

30 Weeks

As most of you know I successfully failed my glucola test and have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  Leave it to me to have every condition possible with pregnancy.  I am totally kidding, much worse could happen.  No complaints here! Today Tanner got checked out and won the precious award :)  He is fat; now weighing in at 4 pounds 2 ounces.  They said this is about 10 days ahead of schedule.  Other than that all checked out perfect.  They significantly decreased my thyroid medication dose today to see if we can get Tanner's metabolism up and possibly prevent a huge baby.  It takes 3 weeks for the medication to really make a difference so I will recheck my levels in close to 4 weeks and see how things are going.  I am a little apprehensive about lowering my dose seeing how I finally got my levels normalized, but I am willing to do whatever is needed to keep Tanner from being a 10 pounder :)  I am to keep checking my blood sugars watching my diet.  He said not to get discouraged if my sugars start to creep up even if I am being perfect with my diet.  He said that the hormone that is produced by the placental that is causing the diabetes increases as the pregnancy continues and that there is a good chance diet alone won't keep my blood sugars stable.  But no worries, he said he would just add an oral medication that won't get to Tanner and it would keep the sugars under control.  So overall, it was a good check up.  I see him back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound and a "non stress test" that will make sure Tanner's heart rate is doing what it should and is a check for fetal well-being.  Enjoy the precious pictures - - - he is so cute with his chubby cheeks !!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

26 Weeks

Had another ultrasound today.  Mr. Tanner is doing perfect as usual.  He is weighing in a 2 pounds 7 ounces and growing like a weed.  I don't have to go back for another ultrasound for one month :)  Then I start going weekly  - - - $$$$$!!  He has changed so much since we last saw him.  He was very skinny and now he is getting fat little cheeks.  He is still head down which is good news and was constantly playing with his feet on the ultrasound.  He was kicking so much the sonographers hand was bouncing - our little soccer player.  She showed us his "sprouts" of hair.  Only a few hairs (like his daddy) - more next time.  Enjoy the new pictures.

 This is him getting ready for a HUGE kick!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

24 weeks

Well today we had another appointment to check on Mr. Tanner and all went well.  His growth is right on track.  He weighs approximately 1.7 pounds and is about 1 foot long.  His heart, brain, stomach and limbs were checked out and measured and all were perfect.  What?  Would you expect anything less :)   He was being shy today and really didn't want his picture taken as you can tell.  We did get some good pictures of his hands - too cute!  He is head down and looking to the right - hence all the large jolts I get under my right rib (his feet).  Enjoy the latest pictures!  We go back in 3 more weeks for another check and will update again.